HR PRO11 Modern Slavery Procedure

Modern Slavery Procedure


condemns modern slavery and is dedicated to ensuring that our business operations, practices and supply chains do not contribute to, or support, any form of exploitation or forced labour. The purpose of this procedure is to outline ways we can ensure we achieve our moral and legal responsibility to uphold human rights and social justice.


The Modern Slavery Policy and Procedure applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, partners, labour hire suppliers, and stakeholders associated with and our supply chains, and covers behaviour that occurs in work-related contexts.  


Modern Slavery The term ‘modern slavery’ describes situations where coercion, threats or deception are used to exploit victims and undermine their freedom. Coercion, threats and deception can be explicit or implicit



The Modern Slavery Act requires businesses earning greater than $100 million in annual revenue to:

The Modern Slavery Act action plan for includes:

Modern slavery can occur in every industry and sector, but some sectors, industries and types of work are associated with higher risks of exploitation and slavery practices. When considering whether our supply chain may have modern slavery risks, we consider:

Indicators of Modern Slavery

To assist in the prevention of Modern Slavery, all employees and those covered by the scope of this policy, should be aware of indicators of Modern Slavery, including but not limited to:


Not all victims may want to receive assistance, and reporting potential modern slavery may place a victim at greater risk. Therefore, unless a person is in imminent danger, initial concerns regarding Modern Slavery should be addressed with an internal Compliance officer or your immediate supervisor.

Anti Slavery Australia can provide access to free and confidential legal and migration advice to anyone in modern slavery. Call 02 9514 8115 or visit

To report modern slavery in Australia call the Australian Federal Police on 131 237 or report through their website    

In emergencies, where there is immediate danger, or where the situation involves a child, call Triple 0 (000).